Krishna and Rama means the highest happiness in the entire universe. And by uttering the Hare Rama and Hare Krishna Mantra, we would get great happiness and mental peacefulness.
This supreme spiritual power of the Lord helps us to reach the path of heaven.
Hare Rama Hare Rama
RamaRama Hare Hare
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna
KrishnaKrishna Hare Hare
Hare means the supreme power of the Lord.
Rama means Lord Rama, the holy avatar of Lord Vishnu.
Krishna means Lord Krishna, the powerful incarnation of Lord Vishnu.
Mantras, Slogam all either praises god/goddess or request for liberation and manage life peacefully and happily in the present life.
Mantra is sacred utterance, which is considered holy and has spiritual positive effects.
Mantras are normally chanted. Chanting is a common spiritual practice. Chanting helps concentration, calms down mind and the mind waves takes you to, on what you are concentrating through chanting.
M/s R&R Spirituals offers at their online shop Mantra Chanting Box cum Devotional player. This has 68 mantras and 40 devotional songs. This product in market is referred as Pooja Chanting Box, Chanting Box, Mantra Box, Chanting box all in one, Mantra Box all in one etc.